pdf_gross.gifGSM from A-Z

[2-day course, Euro 1,815.- (net) per participant]

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Course Description

  • This training course addresses the needs of engineers and technicians who require detailed technical knowledge on GSM.
  • This training course is a condensed and detailed introduction to GSM with focus on the GSM air interface, the GSM network architecture and an introduction to the upcoming changes with the integration of the IMS.

As in all INACON training courses we integrated several interactive exercises for a perfect learning experience.
Please click here for a detailed Table of Contents (ToC)

Some of your questions that will be answered

  • How can different operators have their networks in the same geographic area and how do they prevent their subscribers from registering in a different network?
  • What is the GSM network architecture? What is the function and specifics of the various network elements including the SIM and the mobile station? What is a hierarchical network architecture? What are umbrella cells?
  • What is a location area? What is the meaning and differences of the various GSM identifiers like IMSI, IMEI, LAC, BSIC, CGI and so on?
  • How is the GSM radio interface organized? What are TDMA and FDMA?
  • Why does GSM require different burst types? What is their function? On which channels are they used? What is the meaning of the stealing flags?
  • What is the difference between logical and physical channels in GSM? What is the function of the different channel types?
  • What is the goal of channel coding and interleaving and how does it work in GSM for the different channel types?
  • How do Authentication and Ciphering work in GSM?
  • What are the functions and differences of DTX and DRX in GSM?
  • What is the content of measurement reports?
  • How does call establishment work in GSM? How is a certain channel type selected in case of speech or data transmission?

backtotop.gifWho should attend this class?

  • Design Engineers of GSM network equipment and GSM mobile stations.
  • Network Planners who need to build joined GSM networks.
  • Field and test engineers who have to learn GSM operation and procedures.
  • Consultants who require a thorough understanding of GSM


  • A basic understanding of telecommunication systems in general and mobile network operation in particular is required.
  • Previous knowledge of GSM is favorable but not required.

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The student will be enabled to understand all important aspects of GSM networking and GSM procedures.

backtotop.gifTraining Course Duration

  • 2 days
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More Info:

Detailed ToC of this training course
Schedule of this training course
Extract of this training course
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