pdf_gross.gifIMS Essentials

[1-day course, Euro 1,500.- (net) per participant]

backtotop.gifTraining Course Description

Course Description

  • This training course addresses the needs of everybody who needs fundamental understanding of the IMS.
  • The training course starts with an animated presentation of some new services which offering is enabled through the IMS. After this we explain how basic telephony services are provided in the IMS-environment.
  • The following part provides an overview of the IMS internal architecture and to the related protocols.
  • The training course concludes with the presentation of a real-life implementation of an IMS.

Some of your questions that will be answered

  • What are typical IMS-specific applications and services like “See what I see” and how do they work?
  • What are the names and functions of the different network nodes inside the IMS?
  • What are the implications of a split or a centralized IMS-installation?
  • What is a hosted IMS?
  • How can IMS-services be charged?
  • How do real-life implementations of the IMS look like?

backtotop.gifWho should attend this class?

  • Managers and everybody else who requires an overview on the IMS and the services that it offers.


  • Basic IP-knowledge
  • Basic telecom knowledge

backtotop.gifTraining Course Target

  • After the training course the student will have basic knowledge about the IMS and its internals including the used protocols.
  • Most importantly, the student is enabled to contribute to IMS-related discussions and work assignments.

backtotop.gifTraining Course Duration

  • 1 day


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More Info:

Detailed ToC of this training course
Schedule of this training course
Extract of this training course
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