pdf_gross.gifIPv6 Hands-On

[2-day course, Euro 2,350.- (net) per participant]

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Course Description

  • This course describes in detail the limitations of IPv4 and the changes that have been introduced with IPv6.
  • We will start with a discussion of all IP header field elements, identify all parts that have been inherited from IPv4, clarify the terminology and explain all the new header elements, their purpose and intended usage.
  • The IP header structure will be completed with the detailed consideration of the new concept of Extension Headers in IPv6 and the purpose and usage of each of the options.
  • We will then thoroughly discuss the address structure of IPv6 with the formats of Unicast, Multicast and Anycast addresses and what the options are to obtain a valid IP address.
  • The course will then explain, how ICMPv6 is structured and how it used to replace and incorporate all other support protocols known from IPv4. This will include detailed discussion of address generation options, including DHCP, Stateless Autoconfiguration, Neighbor Discovery and Duplicate Address Detection.
  • Routing in IPv6 will be the next section, which identifies the protocol options within a domain and between domains and discussed the related protocols, such as RIPnG and OSPF.
  • We will the investigate various operational issues, starting with security in IPv6, usage in VPN networks with IPSec mechanisms for authentication and ciphering.
  • This will be followed by a study of Mobile IP with the basic operation and review of ICMP protocol enhancements for this case.
  • Another important section deals with all aspects of Interworking with and Migration from IPv4. Here we will explain the necessity for dual stack architectures, NAT-PT / NAPT-PT concepts and discuss various tunneling options, such as Teredo, 6to4 etc.
  • Finally, we will review IPv6 in certain network scenarios, such as 3GPP UMTS networks and IPv6 in the Internet
As in all INACON courses we integrated several interactive exercises for a perfect learning experience. Many of these exercises are based on already prepared WIRESHARK logfiles which are provided to the students by the trainer. For those who don't have a PC with them or who do not use WIRESHARK, the logfiles are made available as printouts.

Some of your questions that will be answered

  • How does the IPv6 protocol header differ from IPv4?
  • Which elements are still used in IPv6 and what is the reason for changes in terminology?
  • What are Extension Headers, which information do they convey and how and when are these extensions being used in IPv6?
  • What is the structure of an IPv6 address and which parts are being used for public routing and how?
  • What are the changes in the support protocols such as ICMP and what happened to ARP in an IPv6 environment?
  • What is a Link-Local Address and how is that address obtained / generated?
  • What is the process and the purpose of Stateless Autoconfiguration and how does a terminal / application obtain an IP address in IPv6?
  • How do routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF operate and where are they used?
  • Which are the security mechanisms provided with IPv6 and how is IPSec used for authentication and ciphering?
  • How can Interworking with IPv4 and the migration from IPv4 be accomplished?
  • What is the difference of the various tunneling mechanisms, such as Teredo, 6to4 and others and where are they used?
  • What is Mobile IPv6, how does it operate and where is it used?
  • How and where is IPv6 being used in 3GPP networks such as UMTS and LTE / SAE?

backtotop.gifWho should attend this class?

  • Test engineers who need to understand IPv6-features and their implications in detail.

  • Designers of IPv6 network domains who require a deep inside view of the various enhancements.

  • Anyone who need to understand the IPv6 terminology, features, addressing and routing mechanisms and the applicability in future networks.


  • The student must possess a sound understanding of network architecture and packet routing in general and today's TCP/IP version in particular. There is no particular knowledge required regarding IPv6.

  • We do recommend our webinar or web based training courses on IPv6 as preparation for the course in order to improve efficiency and comprehension.

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  • The student is enabled to develop, test and integrate IPv6-equipment and protocols and to operate related networks.

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  • 2 days


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