Schedule of Classroom Training -

Car-2-X Communication from A-Z

Course Description

This course has been tailored as interface information between the car industry on one hand and the communication industry on the other hand. Starting out with a description of the various Car 2 X communication types and peers, the course makes the students familiar with the feasibility and constraints of the different wireless communication technologies, namely IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth and 3GPP-based radio. In that respect, Car 2 X has specific requirements when it comes e.g. to reliability, security and connection setup times. The course concludes with the description of hot topics like eCall and SOTIS and depicts what the future may yield for all involved parties.

[2-day course, Euro 1,815.- (net) per participant]

  Date Location
ball_15px.gif Jan 28-29, 2015 Essen, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Feb 16-17, 2015 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Mar 30-31, 2015 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif May 20-21, 2015 Essen, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Jun 15-16, 2015 Essen, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Jul 15-16, 2015 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Aug 06-07, 2015 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Sep 28-29, 2015 Essen, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Oct 26-27, 2015 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
ball_15px.gif Dec 03-04, 2015 Essen, GERMANY

For registration click here