5G Core: From Monoliths to Cloud Native / From Diameter & GTP to HTTP2 & JSON
[alternatively 3 full days OR 5 x 1/2 day course, Euro 3,450.- (net) per participant]

Detailed Table of Content:
Chapter 1: 5G from an altitude of 4000 m (1.5 – 2 h)
- 5G RAN technology: evolution rather than revolution
- 5G Core: Revolution!
- The Future of RAN: Open RAN (background, architecture, protocols)
- Which frequencies are deployed where on the planet
- Network Evolution: From PLMN’s to private and campus networks
- The famous 5G service triangle: eMBB, URLLC and eMTC
- More Details on URLLC (from eMBB to V2X, AR, VR, mobile edge computing and network slicing)
- 5G: Stand-Alone vs Non-Stand-Alone (Analysis of options 2, 3, 3x, 4 and 7)
- Migration to 5G from an operator‘s perspective (NSA, SA, Rel 15, 16 and 17)
- International Roaming in 5G (w/ and w/o local breakout)
- QoS in 5G SA (General, 5QI, Mapping 5QI to QoS parameters and services)
Chapter 2: 5G Core: Evolution from Rel. 15 – Rel 16 (3 - 4 h)
- Going back to Rel 14: CUPS (PFCP, operation, Sxa, Sxb, PGW-C and U, procedural differences with CUPS (e.g. selection of PGW-U)
- Definition and Operation of a Service-Based Architecture (SBA)
- Understanding RESTful Communication
- Hands-On: Invoking and tracing service based communication
- The Network Functions w/ R15 and R16 in SBA (AMF, SMF, UPF, NRF, PCF, NEF, AUSF, UDM, SEPP,…)
- Defining and understanding micro-services in the context of 5GC
- Roaming Issues between 5GC-networks (SEPP, PRINS and OAuth2.0)
Chapter 3: Virtualization and Containerization (2.5 – 3.5 h)
- HW-Virtualization (What it is?, HW-Virtualization in telecommunication, ETSI-reference model, from HW-virtualization and VM’s to OS-Virtualization and Containers...)
- Live: Setup and observation of VM’s
- Docker Images and Containers
- Docker Environment (components, Docker hub, containerd, comparison with podman, ...)
- Live: Building our own images and containers
- Live: Playing with containers (Apache web server in a container, port mappings, traffic recording between containers with Wireshark, ...)
- Container Orchestration: First look onto Kubernetes (K8s)
- Live: Understanding networking between containers
Chapter 4: Cloud Native Networking (2.5 - 3.5 h)
- Definition, philosophy and and principles of Cloud Native (according to CNCF, micro-services, DevOps culture, CI/CD, service mesh, types of clouds (public, private, hybrid))
- Decomposing typical silos into micro-services (theory and practice, meaning of YAML-files, ...)
- Example: Looking at the different Micro-services inside UDM and AMF…
- Deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture (Cluster, master node, worker node, pods, kube-api server, kube-controller, kube scheduler, etcd, …)
- Deep dive into Kubernetes Operation (mapping service-/cluster IP-addresses to Pod-IP addresses, load balancing in a K8s cluster, health checks, self-healing, …)
- Deep dive into Kubernetes Networking (Communication between 2 containers in a single Pod, between two Pods in the same worker node, in different worker nodes)
- Live: Operation of Kubernetes (Basics, scaling, health checks, ...)
- Live: Bashing into running Kubernetes Pods and invoking real-life traffic
Chapter 5: Scenarios (Reference / Theory) (2.5 - 3.5 h)
- Understanding HTTP/2 (stream based transmission, operation, head of line blocking, outlook to HTTP/3, frame types, scenarios)
- Registration and TA-Update procedure (according to 23.502 ( but immediate mapping to real-life messages in chapter 6)
- UE Requested PDU Session Establishment (according to 23.502 ( but immediate mapping to real-life messages in chapter 6)
- 5G Authentication using 5G-AKA according to 33.501 ( (detailed analysis, depicting the differences to 4G (e.g. HXRES*, K(ausf)) but immediate mapping to real-life messages in chapter 6)
- Xn- and N2- based Handover procedure (intra NR)
- 5GS to EPS handover using N26 interface
- EPS to 5GS handover using N26 interface
- Deregistration procedure
Chapter 6: Scenarios (Wireshark / Practice) (2.5 – 3.5 h)
- HTTP/2: Upgrade from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2
- HTTP/2: Session Setup between two NF’s in the 5GC
- 5GS Registration with 5G-AKA Authentication
- UE-requested PDU-Session Establishment Procedure
Alternatively or in addition we may incorporate and analyze your own logfiles

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