Network Virtualization: Details, Theory & Practice
[2-day course, Euro 2,350.- (net) per participant]

Chapter 1: IT meets Telecom
The Ideas of NFV (Network Function Virtualization)
COTS-Hardware / Network Elements as Software / Virtualization in-between the twoThe Ultimate Target of NFV on the Radio Side: C-RAN
Concept / State of Implementation / ssuesNetwork Function Virtualization in Context
… with SDN, cloud operation and virtualization in the PC-world / NFV vs SDN (Software Defined Networking)Hands in the Mud: SDN in Practice
Mininet Virtual Network Setup on your UBUNTU-Machine / Setting up this Network in UBUNTU / Reviewing the Network Configuration / Generating HTTP-Traffic / Reaction of the vSwitch upon the HTTP-Traffic / Wireshark Logfile of the OpenFlow TrafficVirtualization in the PC-World
Virtual Machines and Hypervisors / Application of Virtualization on a PCThe Cloud Business
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) / SaaS (Software as a Service) / PaaS (Platform as a Service)Targets, Consequences and Challenges of NFV
Commercial Targets / Other (still monetary-driven) Targets / Challenges and Consequences
Chapter 2: NFV Architecture explained
The ETSI-based ISG (Industry Specification Group)
Introduction / Time Table and History
Example: The EPC as virtualized Network
The VNF as basic Entity / Virtualization Layer / Hardware ResourcesNFV Reference Architecture
VNF-Domain / MANO-Domain / NFVI-DomainMore Details on the VNF-Domain
VNF with single VNFC / VNF with multiple VNFCs / The VNF-Descriptor (VNFD) / Hardware DependenciesCommunication between VNFCs
Option 1: Serial Bus / Option 2: Hardware Switch / Option 3: Vswitch / Option 4: Through (v)NICs and across NetworksMore Details on the VNFI-Domain
General Remarks / The Hypervisor Domain / The Compute and Storage Domains / The Network Domain / Virtual Networking Resources (not SDN) / Operation of vSwitchMore Details on the MANO-Domain
Orchestrator / Repositories / VNFM (VNF Manager) / VIM / WIM / VIM: Tasks and Functions / Example: Instantiation of a VNF / Practical Exercise: Relating Messages to Interfaces
Chapter 3: Setup and Operation of virtualized Networks
Configuration Virtualized Network Setup (C-RAN and EPC)
From Network Service (NS) to VNFFG and NCTIntroducing the Codex of NFV
NS (Network Service) and NSD / (VNF, VNFC, PNF, VNFD VNFCD, and PNFD) / Virtual Links and VLD / Connection Points (CP) / VNFFGVLD-Examples
Control Plane / User PlaneVNF Scaling and Load Balancing
Scale Up/Down vs Scale Out/In / Auto Scaling and On-demand Scaling / Management based ScalingImplementation Example
KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) / DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) / SR-IOV and PCIe (Single Root Input/Output Virtualization / Peripheral Component Interconnect express) / OpenStack / OpenDaylight / Open vSwitch
Chapter 4: Optimization and Acceleration
Reviewing Interrupt Methods and their Impact on Virtualization
Interrupt types, virtual interrupts, interrupt issues with virtualization, interrupt operation using hypervisors, ...Memory Access and NUMA
General description of memory access and memory sharing, influence on processing speed, NUMA and the related benefits, ...Acceleration Options
VNFD options for acceleration, typical examples like , ...MANO-Descriptors with Acceleration Descriptors
Examples of VNFD, VDU with different acceleration descriptors
Chapter 5: Scenarios and KPI-Measurements
Scaling Up/Down and Out/In Scenarios
KPI-Communication between VNF and EMS
SW/HW Outage VNF: Reaction of the System

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