pdf_gross.gifUMTS – Rel. 4, 5 and 6
Core Network Architecture & Signaling

[3-day training course, Euro 3,450.- per participant]

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Course Description

  • This training course focuses on the detailed description of the UMTS core network architecture with Rel. 4 and particularly with Rel. 5.
  • Most importantly, the training course ties a detailed analysis of the new call control and mobility management protocols like SIP or BICC into the presentation of the all-IP core network architecture in Rel. 4 and 5.
  • This approach allows the student an easy comprehension of the necessity and advantages of the new network architecture in UMTS Rel. 4 and 5 as well as an easy understanding of the new protocol procedures with SIP.

As in all INACON training courses we integrated several interactive exercises for a perfect learning experience.
Please click here for a detailed Table of Contents (ToC)

Some of your questions that will be answered

  • What are the advantages and implications of the new Rel .4, 5 and 6 network architecture?
  • What is the IMS and what are the differences between the IMS in Rel. 5 and Rel. 6
  • How does SIP work and how is it used in Rel. 5 and 6?

backtotop.gifWho should attend this class?

  • Everybody who requires detailed knowledge of the core network changes with Rel. 4, 5 and 6 core network architecture and protocols.


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  • The student is enabled to fully understand the implications of implementing the new UMTS network architecture with Rel. 4 and 5.
  • The student will fully understand the new IP Multimedia Subsystem architecture and the related procedures.
  • The student will have an overview of the different VoIP-protocols and a detailed understanding of the messaging and procedures of SIP, with focus on UMTS.

backtotop.gifTraining Course Duration

  • 3 days


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More Info:

Detailed ToC of this training course
Schedule of this training course
Extract of this training course
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