Our Vision of Web Based Training:
Expert Trainers
We are very proud on our training documentation. In fact, the quality of this documentation is high enough to be sold through our partner ARTECH house publishers as books with Basically the same learning rules apply for web-based training as for any other kind of knowledge transfer. This is the reason why all INACON web based training courses deploy multimedia tools to convey the content. However, there are some advantages of INACON web based training which make the difference. You will understand after you have taken such a session but we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of these advantages:
- The ability to ask us questions via e-mail
- The presence of test questions every few slides in each web based training which provide student feedback and confirmation of knowledge acquisition
Why don’t you download the demo version of one or more of our web based training sessions?
Our Advantages
Technology in 3 Hours
Expert Trainers
Audio + Video ...
Advanced Didactics
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