pdf_gross.gifWiFi from A-Z

[2-day training course, Euro 2,350.- per participant or optional 2-day training course + 1 optional day trace analysis, Euro 3,450.- per participant]

backtotop.gifTraining Course Description

Course Description

  • This training course focuses on a detailed description WiFi / WLAN with emphasis on PHY and MAC.
  • Following a short view on WiFi fundamentals (architecture, standards, frequency bands), the training course investigates the tasks, and the structure of the different IEEE 802.11 physical layers (1999, a, b, g).
  • A major focus of this WiFi training course is put on understanding and comparing the MAC functions used in the various variants of WiFi: 802.11, 11h, and 11e (QoS).
  • Another focus is related to security aspects e.g. ciphering, authentication, association. Both, the service provider’s, as well as the user’s point of view is considered (802.11,11i, and EAP authentication).
  • Whenever applicable, we use real live examples from various sources to provide a realistic view on WiFi issues.
  • After beefy discussing WLAN deployment the training course is focusing on new 802.11 standards where 11n is discussed in detail. The aspects of introduction or extension of WiFi into existing communication networks are discussed as well.
  • Finally this training addresses the Vo802.11 aspects and the WiFi certificates.
  • This training course addresses the needs of engineers and technicians who shall be involved with WiFi hotspots and equipment.
  • This training course is particularly interesting for engineers already experienced in mobile radio networks.

As in all our training courses we integrated several interactive exercises for a perfect learning experience.

Optionally the training can be extended for one more day in order to allow to analyze traces (also the customers own traces are possible).

backtotop.gifSome of your questions that will be answered

  • What is the difference between IEEE 802.11a, b, e, f, g, i, and n?
  • How to the different physical access schemes used in WiFi work?
  • How is OFDM working and why it is used in the newer WiFi standards?
  • What technologies are used in order to enhance the throughput of WiFi?
  • What are the throughput limitations for the various WiFi derivatives?
  • How scheduling is performed in the different 802.11 modes?
  • What are the functions do the different WiFi-sublayers?
  • How can I roam between several AP’s while encryption is applied?
  • How and by whom are concurrent accesses and priorities controlled?
  • How voice services are provided using WiFi?
  • What is the work split in-between IEEE and WiFi?
  • What WiFi certificates the products have to adhere to?

backtotop.gifWho should attend this class?

  • Mobile network operators who want to add WiFi-Hot-Spots to their existing network infrastructure.
  • Operator of WiFi networks.
  • Engineers and technical staff who require detailed inside knowledge of the WiFi and IEEE 802.11 standards.
  • Design and test engineers who would like to be enabled quickly for WiFi technology.


  • The student should possess detailed knowledge of wireless communications, particularly within the area of digital signal processing in wireless communications.
  • This experience should stem from hands-on work in the area of design, integration, test or troubleshooting of GSM, CDMA or WCDMA-equipment.
  • Comprehension of different digital modulation schemes like QAM or PSK and of different multiple access schemes like TDMA, FDMA and CDMA is required.

backtotop.gifTraining Course Target

  • The student will obtain detailed understanding of the WiFi standards and the related procedures and network operation and architectures.
  • The student is enabled to access the WiFi technology with regard to deployment issues and product strategy issues.
  • After the training course the student will be enabled to design, test and operate WiFi networks and STA’s.

backtotop.gifTraining Course Duration

  • 2 days + 1 optional day trace analysis


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